Winter 2013-2014 Digital Archaeology Enterprises at the University of California, San Diego

Returning from the field season, we fell right back into the madcap scheduling of CISA3 promotional duties, conference presentations, and setting up of collaboratives that the graduate students undertake in amongst our actual research duties in order to keep things moving along smoothly.

These included:

*The initial appearance of all of our gorgeous Italian data sets at the 2013 Cinegrid conference at the Qualcomm Institute/California Institute of Telecommunication and Information Technology (Calit2). Both the initial models Vid and I processed of the Baptistery and a selection of the stereophotography data sets collected throughout our trip premiered on the new WAVE (Wide Angle Virtual Environment) systems. Check out Tiffany Fox’s coverage of the UCSD event here.

Visitors at the WAVE check out stereoscopic images of Rocca Imperiale.
Visitors at the WAVE check out stereoscopic images of Rocca Imperiale.
Stereophotography of the Room of the Lilies on the WAVE at Calit2.
Stereophotography of the Room of the Lilies on the WAVE at Calit2.

Cinegrid also reunited me with my fabulous former supervisor at the digital archaeology non profit foundation CyArk: the wonderful current Chief Technology Advocate Justin Barton.

WAVE creator Tom DeFanti, CyArk's Justin Barton, CISAs current Director Falko Kuester, and myself-digital archaeologist Ashley M. Richter.
WAVE creator Tom DeFanti, CyArk’s Justin Barton, CISA3 Director Falko Kuester, and me-digital archaeologist Ashley M. Richter.

*The UCSD Higher Experiential Learning conference, at which I presented the on-going efforts with the CURIIS in a session on interdisciplinary learning. The presentation, Re-Evaluating the Undergraduate Internship: New STEAM pathways Towards Interdisciplinary Collaborative Research via Cultural Heritage Diagnostics is available for your perusal on Slideshare.

*The CISA3 February 2014 Open Night, where the graduate students under Mike Hess arranged a bang-up presentation of our recent work to donors and industry partners like Leica Geosystems. A full album of images from the events taken by the Qualcomm Institute photographer Alex Matthews is online at their Flickr.

*I also spearheaded the lunchtime presentation of CISA3 at UCSD TedX.

My compilation of our recent data for display at UCSD's TEDX open forum.
My compilation of our recent data for display on the Qualcomm Institute V-Room Wall for UCSD’s TEDX open forum (And yes, that is one of the legendary CISA3 drones in the foreground).

*And undertook several demonstrations to the researchers and cultural heritage officials responsible for the various projects that worked towards establishing as future avenues of research, like the Balboa Park Digitization Initiatives, and work with the National Geographic sponsored team archaeological diving team at Hoyo Negro in Mexico.

Archaeologist Beto Nava experiencing his data on the V-Room wall during a collaborative brainstorming session of how layered realities and digital data annotation could help their underwater project.
Archaeologist Beto Nava experiencing his data on the V-Room wall during a collaborative brainstorming session of how layered realities and digital data annotation could help their underwater project.

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